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Our Product Range

At Mid India, development is a perpetual process by active involvement of consumers, technicians and market-men, as we consider all of them our partners in progress.
Regular Product


  • 100% Cotton Yarn (Carded and Combed)

  • Polyester/Cotton Blended (Carded and Combed)

  • 100% Polyester Yarns



Special Product


Multi Fold Yarn up to 8 folds for use in Carpets, Tufting and other industrial fabrics. The yarns can be supplied in 100% Cotton, Polyester/Cotton Blended yarns and 100% Polyester Yarns in the cone size of 1.89 Kgs per cone up to Jumbo Packing of 5 Kgs per cone.



  • A highly composite and scientifically tempered quality assurance department works diligently to continuously uplift standards of our products.

  • The Process team checks all samples of fiber, and inputs to ensure production of the right quality yarn, for its fastidious customers worldwide.

  • Our Quality Assurance department is well equipped with Complete Cotton Testing Equipment, User and Classifault, and is capable to perform all tests in house for absolute quality control.


© 2020 by Mid India Industries Limited

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